Chrom-a-harp Tuning Hammer
Although recent publications indicate that his most creative contribution to musical forms of the middle baroque may have been in the development of the Italian chamber cantata, Giacomo Carissimi (1605-1674) is best remembered for his 16 extant oratorios, with "Jephte" generally accepted as his masterpiece. In many ways, Carissimi's oratorios are an enlargement of techniques which he set forth in his cantatas. Both forms stem from the passion for dramatization which was sweeping Italy at the time of opera, and it is this dramatic quality, sustained on several levels, that this edition attempts to delineate. A realized continuo is provided with possible additional instrumentation suggested. Likewise, vocal ornamentation is indicated, although the performer is free to embellish at will. A literal English translation of the Latin text has also been provided.